Behavioral Strategy: Applied Behavioral Analysis
“Every child deserves a champion-an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” This beautiful quote by Rita Pierson is the definition of a teacher who would do anything for his or her students and never give up on them. It most importantly emphasizes the type of teacher who would never give up on a student with a disability. In todays society the number of children being diagnosed with different learning disabilities has increased tremendously and continues to grow everyday. With this learning disability epidemic, teachers are now faced with having to educate a large number of students with disabilities, which can prove to be very difficult. Often, students with learning disabilities have behavioral problems that negatively effect their learning process. Teachers must be powerful and have the drive to push a child with a learning disability and have the knowledge to apply behavioral strategies so the student can have a positive learning experience rather than one that is controlled by their disability. One particular behavioral strategy that is very common and popular among educators is known as Applied Behavioral Analysis or ABA.
In this research project, I will examine how a teacher can successfully use the behavioral strategy, Applied Behavioral Analysis within a classroom to improve the learning process and overall schooling experience for students with special needs. The understanding of this behavioral strategy is very important and should be taken very seriously by educators. Due to the increasing number of students being diagnosed with disabilities in todays society, educators need to be aware of the types of behavioral strategies that should be used to improve their students education. That is why the main purpose of this study is to determine how a teacher can successfully use the behavioral strategy, ABA so it can be used properly and effectively to benefit the education of special needs students. My main research will be done through a literature review which will touch on an article about Applied Behavioral Analysis and its uses within the classroom for students with special needs. Then, I will gather the rest of my research through an interview with a licensed Speech Pathologist who uses ABA on a daily basis. Lastly, I will present the data I gathered from all of my research and finally the conclusion. My three categories of analysis will focus on the knowledge and experience, the flexibility, and lastly, dedication a teacher must have concerning ABA. Through this I hope to be able to determine how a teacher can effectively apply ABA within a classroom.
Literature Review
The research on my topic is geared towards discovering what Applied Behavior Analysis is all about and how a teacher can use it effectively on his or her students. The article I researched was titled; “Implementing Applied Behavior Analysis for Effective Orientation and Mobility Instruction of Students with Multiple Disabilities.” Written by Melanie L. O’Mea. This article first touches on the basics of ABA and what it does for students with disabilities. It states that ABA is most commonly used for students who are living with multiple disabilities. Due to the disabilities these students face, their behavior is effected tremendously which in turn effects their schooling. That is where ABA comes into play. “One of the classic principles of behavior analysis is the concept of ABC, which is a theory that is used to determine what is causing behavior and how to manage it. A is representative of antecedent, B of behavior, and C of consequence”(O’Mea, 65). This statement represents an aspect of ABA that a teacher needs to practice properly in order for it to work effectively. In order for this ABC method to work a teacher must be dedicated in developing a behavioral plan for the particular student. A teacher needs to observe the student and record the behavior. Then the teacher can construct a plan that goes along with the specific behavior of the student. This takes time for a teacher to do considering every child is unique and requires their own behavioral plan.
O’Mea continues to discuss the ABC method of Applied Behavioral Analysis and the dedication required by a teacher for it to work properly so it can improve the education of the students. Everything the teacher does is vital, any wrong move or error can effect the way the ABA works on the particular student. If the teacher lacks knowledge or experience, ABA may never work and the student will get nothing out of the behavioral strategy, and their education will be negatively effected. As it is stated in the article; “It is also important that the consequences or reinforcers are followed through on. If the verbal consequence or reinforcer is not given every time the activity occurs or does not occur, the credibility of the instructor is affected and the student has no incentive to believe the instructor”(O’Mea, 67). That statement proves how important it is for an instructor to have knowledge of ABA. If they don’t understand that the reinforcer needs to be given to the student every time the activity occurs or doesn’t occur then ABA will never work for the student and it would all be a waste of time. That is why it is so important for a teacher to have knowledge and experience with the use of ABA.
The author of the article that I have discussed above helps us understand the basics of ABA and how it can be used to improve the education of special needs students. Most importantly the article focuses on how a teacher can successfully use ABA. It touches on the fact that a teacher needs to be dedicated to his or her students, flexible with the types of students needing the behavioral strategy, and the knowledge and experience to be able to implement the strategy properly. I will continue to touch on these important categories throughout my study.
I decided to conduct my research through an interview of a licensed Speech Pathologist who uses the behavioral strategy, Applied Behavioral Analysis on a daily basis. We held the interview in her office at the public school where she works and it lasted about 45 minutes. This interview was great for my research because I could ask all the questions I needed to help support my research question. I liked the idea of doing this face to face interview because not only was I able to ask numerous questions I had, I could also analyze the way she acted and interacted with me which describes her as a person. I also decided to record the interview so I could go back afterwards to transcribe it and analyze her language features. At the beginning of the interview I let my participant know what I was going to ask her about to make her feel as comfortable as possible. She didn’t seem nervous at all which made the interview a lot easier and very laid back. I first started by asking simple questions regarding herself, her education, and her current employment. She answered them all confidently without hesitation. As the interview progressed I began asking questions regarding Applied Behavioral Analysis.
The subject began to tell me how many students she services for speech throughout the day, which is 9 nine groups of children with about 1 to 4 children in each group. She then began to list the types of disabilities some of her students have. The knowledge she had regarding her students in each ones individual disability was amazing. Then she began to explain her schedule throughout the day. Her very precise and well thought out schedule shows her dedication as a teacher. Soon I asked about her use of ABA and her knowledge regarding the behavioral strategy shined through. She talked about how she uses ABA daily and that when using it you need to be flexible because not every child is the same. She even admitted that sometimes the strategy doesn’t work but as a teacher you can never give up on a student even if a particular strategy doesn’t work.
Overall, this interview showed me the types of qualities a teacher needs to have in order for a behavioral strategy, such as ABA to be successful. The teacher needs to have knowledge and experience, flexibility, and dedication. After transcribing this interview I have found that my participant possesses these qualities as an educator, in turn having a positive attitude towards ABA, resulting in the success of the strategy when used on students.
Analysis of the Data
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